P5- Exporting images onto my PC.

I have created a folder for my product. I named the folder Lightroom images. This folder consists of my final images which I have edited and exported into this folder. It also contains the images which I have filled out the metadata on. These images are my final product. These images are saved into a file so I can save them and add them onto a portfolio that I could make in the future or I could show them to future employers as evidence that I have experience in photography. In order to do this I will need to export the images onto one drive so I can access these image anywhere and add the, to a folder which I will be able to access outside of college. I exported my images as a JPEG and have different file names so I know which photo is which and also shows my experience in using different settings when exporting my images. I have included the metadata in all of these images that I have exported so I know the file size and so that I have full copyright access to my own images.